ReceiverGroup.All doesn't seem to work for RaiseEvent?

I have set players in my game to be subscribed to particular groups using

PhotonNetwork.SetSendingEnabled(enabledGroups, disabledGroups);
PhotonNetwork.SetReceivingEnabled(enabledGroups, disabledGroups);
After then joining the room with a number of players I call raiseEvent on one, with some Options set.

var opts = RaiseEventOptions.Default;
opts.InterestGroup = (byte);
opts.CachingOption = EventCaching.AddToRoomCacheGlobal;
opts.Receivers = ReceiverGroup.All;
PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(b, content, true, opts);
Note that I have use the group field on the instantiated player's PhotonView to store which group they should be sending RaiseEvents to.

When I run this test, and fire off events, they successfully trigger for the right other players, and excluding those subscribed to the other group. However, the one sending the event doesnt receive the event. For a while I did not have Receivers set to all, but even after adding that, the local player will not receive the event.

Interestingly if i send an event on the global 0 Interestgroup, the event will trigger on the local player as well as others.

Is there something obviously wrong that I am missing with this setup? What I want to achieve is the player can send RaiseEvent to their allocated InterestGroup and also receive the event themselves.

Best Answer


  • JC@Totem
    edited August 2015
    I read in the code documentation that using CachingOption disables most of the other options, and removed it as a test, but the results are still the same.
    var opts = RaiseEventOptions.Default;
    opts.InterestGroup = (byte);
    opts.Receivers = ReceiverGroup.All;
    PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(b, content, true, opts);
    Also I am running
    Unity 5.1.0f3
    PUN 1.51
  • JC@Totem
    edited August 2015
    It seems that if I remove the specific InterestGroup then the local player will trigger the group. For the case of InterestGrouped Events, I am having to workaround this oddity by manually calling the event as follows.

    The following will send to the local player.
            var opts            = RaiseEventOptions.Default;
            opts.CachingOption  = EventCaching.AddToRoomCache;
            opts.Receivers      = ReceiverGroup.All;
            PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(0, null, true, opts);
    This will not.
            var opts            = RaiseEventOptions.Default;
            opts.InterestGroup  = group;
            opts.CachingOption  = EventCaching.AddToRoomCache;
            opts.Receivers      = ReceiverGroup.All;
            PhotonNetwork.RaiseEvent(0, null, true, opts);
            // For some reason InterestGroup > 0 means the event isnt called 
            // on the local player, and must be done manually
            PhotonNetwork.OnEventCall(0, null, PhotonNetwork.player.ID); 
  • JC@Totem
    edited August 2015
    Thanks Tobias,
    The current workaround of calling the eventCallback is adequate for now, cheers!

    Our project requires players to be partitioned into groups, and some events would need to be cached for late players, or returning players after a disconnect. Using the InterestGroups for this made the most sense, by reducing traffic to currently irrelevant players. If there is some other obvious method for achieving this whether with Pun-RPC's or RaiseEvents I would welcome suggestions.

    With regards to the grouping / caching exclusivity, I feel that it is a little too limiting, and hope it will be considered for review.

    But for now I think It would be possible to work around it by sending some group-like identifier in the content HashTable, and send the cached events to InterestGroup=0, then manually check for the right Group identifier in the content, but this is obviously a poorer solution than nicely ordered events going only to the correct players.