New Forum Inline Code Display Issues

Couple things I guess I wonder about...

I know this forum is about sharing issues / code solutions... so I wonder why you guys installed a forum that doesn't have code formatting? The last forum had a nice code formatting block tool..... I know it was bugged.. I pointed out the issues with it changing code.... and now I see more issues that makes code readability / testing a nightmare...

You will notice in the image the code display using 2 different browsers.... both don't process the messages properly... which makes me think that on the message posting routines there is a issue with the actual messages getting saved to the database with the code getting filtered...


  • JohnTube
    JohnTube ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited August 2015
    hey @SkyboardStudios,

    The screenshot shows a thread that is older than the migration to the new forum. So the issue is due to the migration itself.

    Here is how to properly add code to posts :

    The <code> tag is an inline tag (rather than block) so it doesn't take syntax highlighting. Here are some things you can do:
    1. If you select multiple lines of code and then hit the code tag you'll get a <pre> tag.
    2. If you use bbcode or markdown formatting then the [code] and backticks (``) will put in the pre tags upon formatting. Markdown is my favourite formatting method.

    Test :
    case PunEvent.Destroy:
                    evData = (Hashtable)photonEvent[ParameterCode.Data];
                    int instantiationId = (int)evData[(byte)0];
                    // Debug.Log("Ev Destroy for viewId: " + instantiationId + " sent by owner: " + (instantiationId / PhotonNetwork.MAX_VIEW_IDS == actorNr) + " this client is owner: " + (instantiationId / PhotonNetwork.MAX_VIEW_IDS == this.mLocalActor.ID));
                    GameObject goToDestroyLocally = null;
                    this.instantiatedObjects.TryGetValue(instantiationId, out goToDestroyLocally);
                    if (goToDestroyLocally == null || originatingPlayer == null)
                        if (this.DebugOut == DebugLevel.ERROR) Debug.LogError("Can't execute received Destroy request for view ID=" + instantiationId + " as GO can't be found. From player/actorNr: " + actorNr + " GO to destroy=" + goToDestroyLocally + "  originating Player=" + originatingPlayer);
                        this.RemoveInstantiatedGO(goToDestroyLocally, true);