Unity Editor Crash on OpJoin?

edited July 2011 in DotNet
Building a seriously barebones client from the ground up for Unity; client connects fine but if I call OpJoin Unity crashes immediately. There's hardly a line of code that isn't required to Connect and Join and it's not the OperationResult causing the crash. The example builds run fine so it's clearly something I'm doing. Any idea?


  • vreference
    Appears to have been caused by using the
    public virtual short OpJoin(string gameName)
                return this.OpJoin(gameName, null, null, false);

    Overload version I found in an example. Using the OpCustom overload from the same example works fine.
  • Tobias
    Please let me know which SDK version you are using. I could take a quick look.
  • vreference
    edited July 2011
    Unity3 SDK 6.4.0 (although the .dll claims to be 6.4.1) and server SDK 2.6.0. (although PhotonControl reports As far as I know they were the latest available a couple months ago.

    Love the product and the business model, I don't suppose you have a link to planned Unity changes in the next Release?
  • Tobias
    v6.4.0 is already a bit dated but ok. I will give it a try soon.

    The PhotonControl has it's own version number, so it does not have to match the SDKs number. The SDK version number is what's interesting for us in most cases.

    I posted only a few details about the upcoming changes. Maybe the support for custom types makes things easier for you. Should I add you to the "early access" list, or are you too busy to experiment with an early update? Things might change, after all...

    Can you tell us more about what you're planning to do?
  • vreference
    I'm more afraid of adapting when I've only just gotten a handle on the current implementation. I'm not sure I'll be much help but I'll gladly look at it or the documentation when it's available. It doesn't sound like your plans will be antiquating anything I'm doing just yet. Thanks again.
  • Tobias
    Its going to be an alternative to the existing APIs, so it won't break anything you do now.
  • vreference
    Vector3 Serialization is worth getting excited about!

    I'm curious about the hashtable; since you don't define types for them, is there a performance penalty for using hashtable over dictionary? If so, I assume Unity supports dictionary on all platforms anyway? The docs say silverlight only but I do kind of like using them due to my laziness.
  • Tobias
    Hashtables are not supported by the Silverlight framework but the generic Dictionaries are supported by regular C#, Silverlight and Unity (which is just "regular" C#.

    Hashtables are basically Dictionary<object, object>. The performance penalty will be minimal.