Synchronisation problem with attack and movement


I am developing a multiplayer game in Unity with PUN which is a slight variant of MOBA genre in which there is no creeps at all. There are only main player fighting against each others.

I am stuck in a place where the movement has a very slight delay in remote clients (approx - 0.5 sec) to reach a specific point. And when the player attacks or uses his skill, I am using a RPC to invoke the specific method for the skill which essentially instantiates a weapon object locally in all clients when it receives that RPC. I am using "PhotonTargets.All" as target which means the the local client will immediately execute that RPC locally and in meanwhile when that RPC reaches other clients, they execute it accordingly.

Now, the issue occurs sometimes when in my local it shows that I have hit the other player, but in their system it seems to just escape that attack. Now, had I use some shooting with bullet, which doesn't make a difference as we can't make out exactly whether it hit or not as the speed is too much. But in my case the speed of the weapon is less and size is also considerable. This thing can annoy the user and can affect the overall gameplay.

Sorry for such a long post. But, I'm in dire need for a suggestion.