RPC Different Project

How can I send a RPC from one Unity project to another? Currently I get the following error on the receiving end:
PhotonView with ID 1 has no method "PunPickup" marked with the [RPC](C#) or @RPC(JS) property! Args:

Project 1:
GetComponent<PhotonView>().RPC("Ping", PhotonTargets.MasterClient);

void Ping()

Project 2:
void Ping()


  • BFSKyle
    If you check your PhotonServerSettings asset in the two projects, you will probably find that the order of the RPC List is different on the two machines.

    IIRC the RPC List is used to reduce the bandwidth needed for RPC calls by assigning the string RPC name with an int index value. I would say that Project #1 has the function called "Ping" at index Z, and Project #2 has the function called "PunPickup" at index Z.

    You would either need to clear the lists for both projects (impacting performance maybe? or bandwidth?) or make sure that shared RPC's are both using the same index in both projects manually.
  • Beennn
    Aha, yes. Thank you very much.