Payment Plan type with Max players per Room


I have been activily integrating the photon system into my game and well.. I do have some questions I would love answered...

Here are my concerns.. I have read lots of forum posts and am still unsure....

question 1) does the $185 a month plan get more than 500 messages per second.
question 2) what is the max per second that is possible with the 185 rate plan.. as the advertisement doesn't specify max messages....


3. I am creating a game that is going to be played best with TONS of players... tons being at least 50 in a room.. and upwards to 100+ would be ideal... and am unsure on if it is even possible with photon.. I have read that the photon cloud offers 255 players max... that is cool

what are the options for that.. and am I already using the photon cloud network? I am Unity3D Pro user.

I understand that at 50 message per second I can only get 10 users at one time using 500 messages a sec...

50x10 = 500...

I think I am already sending 100 message a sec... geeze I have to figure out what I am currently sending... I have yet to figure that out.... I will make a little debug screen that shows my current per user send rate asap to see what is happening.... I will work on that.. but I guess some extra feed back would be great in the meantime.

Lenn Dolling
Skyboard Studios


  • Tobias
    All applications on the Photon Cloud have the msg/sec limit. This includes the $185 plan, sorry.

    Once you go beyond this limit of messages, you will soon reach technical barriers which you have to be aware of and work around actively. You can send only so much per second before you tend to confuse routers and crash devices, so it makes sense to be aware of those things and streamline things.
    The default room logic is not capable of proper interest management, so it's not appropriate for large numbers of highly active players.

    The Photon Cloud can only be a shared environment, if everyone limits their games to some degree.

    That said: You can try to work on your message counts and you can also make the jump and host yourself. The Photon Server SDK is compatible with the Cloud but can be extended with interest management, etc. And you have only the message limits you set yourself.