Accessing remote object created with InstantiateSceneObject

Hello all,

I've created a remote object with the following line:

PhotonNetwork.InstantiateSceneObject("Ball", new Vector3(5.0f, 3.0f, 2.0f), Quaternion.identity, 0, null);

I can see the scene object in the scene on the master client which created it and the other remote scenes. The problem I'm having is I need a reference to the scene object because remote clients need to interact with it as well. On the master client I can find the scene object GameObject like any normal GameObject (Find, FindWithTag, etc). However, on the remote clients these methods return null. For example:

On client which create scene object:
GameObject ball = GameObject.Find("Ball(Clone)"); // returns GameObject

On remote client:
GameObject ball = GameObject.Find("Ball(Clone)"); // returns null

Please help any assistance would be greatly appreciated!


  • vadim

    Handle OnPhotonInstantiate message (implement OnPhotonInstantiate()) in one of object scripts. This handler will be called on object instantiation on every client. Store reference to the object in this handler.
  • Great that worked!!! Thanks!