Rooms created not showing

Something simple probably but resolution is elusive at this point.

I have two PUN+ apps - one creates rooms for user and the other lists rooms so we can monitor from lobby. Lot's more than that but this part seems to have stopped working.
AFAIK both are using the same connection info (appId, version, etc) - both apps set up with PUN wizard.

First noticed the problem after we upgraded the list rooms app to Unity5. At that point the create rooms app still worked (event callbacks all work and can see on Dashboard that rooms/games are created) but the list rooms app no longer lists the rooms created.
I just upgraded the create room app and problem persists so does not seem to be Unity version specific.

Code is darn simple...wrapper for creating rooms (we are creating visible and open) and wrapper for getting room list using same class in both apps.

Create app calls CreateRoom and all is well.
List app calls GetRoomList and nada.
Any thoughts ?
public class NetworkClient : Photon.PunBehaviour {
. . .
public void CreateRoom(string roomId, int maxOccupants=4, bool isVisible=true, bool isOpen=true, Hashtable roomProps=null, string[] lobbyProps=null)
		RoomOptions roomOptions = new RoomOptions();
		roomOptions.cleanupCacheOnLeave = true;
		roomOptions.isOpen = isOpen;
		roomOptions.isVisible = isVisible;
		roomOptions.maxPlayers = maxOccupants;
		roomOptions.customRoomProperties = roomProps;
		roomOptions.customRoomPropertiesForLobby = lobbyProps;
		PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom (roomId, roomOptions, TypedLobby.Default);
. . .

public RoomInfo[] GetRoomList()
		return PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList ();


  • vadim
    Does PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom succeed? Is creating client still in the room when GetRoomList get called by other client?
    It's not clear whether CreateRoom or GetRoomList does not work for you.
    Which errors do you get? Please share your logs.
    Make sure that you call PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom and PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList when client is connected to the lobby.
  • digitalCowboy
    Thanks for the reply vadim. We moved on to other parts of the app but back on this issue now.
    I PM'd you the log for the ListApp. As I mentioned we can see the rooms and messages from the CreateApp in the Dashboard just fine. The log for the ListApp shows an error during Connect, but then we do get in Lobby but no rooms found. Trying to diagnose that connect error.