[SOVLED] Photon GetRoomList Issues

Im having a issue with this block of code.
foreach (RoomInfo room in PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList())
            print (room.name);
            //Button temp = Instantiate (RoomButton) as Button;
Basically I just want this to print the rooms name "test" when a person connects to the lobby. I have 2 instances of the game running and on the first one i create the room and in the editor i play the game to look for the print statement but nothing happens. If i put that same block of code into void Update however it works but i dont want to do it every frame. Any idea why this works in update but not in OnJoinedLobby()? I tested the OnJoinedLobby() with a print statement and it works fine as long as the statement is outside of the while loop. I don't get any errors.

Full Code
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class LogicRoomSelect : MonoBehaviour {

    public Text AuthText;
    public Button RoomButton;

    private string GameVersion = "3rd Person V 0.01";

    // Use this for initialization
    void Start ()


    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update ()
        AuthText.text = (PhotonNetwork.connectionStateDetailed.ToString());

    public void CreateRoom()
        PhotonNetwork.CreateRoom ("test", new RoomOptions() { maxPlayers = 8 }, null);
        Application.LoadLevel("3rd Person Game Test");
    public void MainMenu()

    public void OnJoinedLobby()

        foreach (RoomInfo room in PhotonNetwork.GetRoomList())
            print (room.name);
            //Button temp = Instantiate (RoomButton) as Button;

