Instantiate prefab create object but I can't see it

Hello, when I try to use PhotonNetwork.Instantiate the object is created and I can see the object and move it in the Scene view when the game is running but it don't show in the Game view.
I got the prefab in the Resources folder.

The code I use is:
public GameObject player;
player = PhotonNetwork.Instantiate ("PlayerOne", spawnPoints [index].position, spawnPoints [index].rotation, 0);


  • FGStud
    Are you sure that the camera is pointing at the player? The game view is what the camera sees.
  • Celsuss
    So I found the problem. For some reason all the objects I instantiate gets it's z position = -200.
    So after I instantiate the object I have to set the z position to 0, it does not work if I set it to 0 just before I instantiate it.