Weird errors

edited June 2011 in Photon Server
Hey we've recently started our open beta testing and we're getting some weird errors:
4432: 16:35:49.622 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - TAsyncSocket::Write() - Socket is closed: 000000001E2BDFC0
4820: 16:51:57.231 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.
4432: 16:55:18.028 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.
4432: 16:56:39.669 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - TAsyncSocket::Write() - Socket is closed: 000000001E294360
4820: 17:04:22.590 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.
4432: 17:08:10.872 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.
4820: 17:15:19.965 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - TAsyncSocket::Write() - Socket is closed: 000000001E2BEF30
4820: 17:25:28.481 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.
4432: 17:44:41.215 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.
4820: 17:49:07.684 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.
4820: 17:52:29.887 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - TAsyncSocket::Write() - Socket is closed: 000000001E294820
4820: 17:55:09.387 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.
4820: 18:13:23.934 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.
4432: 18:19:09.637 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - TAsyncSocket::Write() - Socket is closed: 000000001E2BF520
4432: 18:20:36.981 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.
4820: 18:22:27.075 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.
4432: 18:54:57.231 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.
4432: 18:55:18.528 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.
4820: 19:04:20.528 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - TAsyncSocket::Write() - Socket is closed: 000000001E292350
4432: 19:43:33.919 - CTCPSocketServer::ReadCompleted - Exception - CTCPStreamProcessor::ProcessDataStream() - Invalid message format, expected first byte to be 0xF0 OR 0xFC. Got: 3c - 3C 70 6F 6C 69 63 79 2D 66 69 6C 65 2D 72 65 71 75 65 73 74 2F 3E 00 - <policy-file-request/>.

What do these mean exactly?


  • bertelmonster2k
    Your ip/port/app configuration seems wrong - you get policy requests on your app. Ping me in Skype if you need help.
  • rejwan
    Hey just a quick update - these errors are causing us some serious issues for our clients.
    I believe that for some reason Photon Flash API is trying to request a policy file again even though it's already connected.
    Not sure why it happens - but I believe that's the problem.
  • bertelmonster2k
    We found the cause. If the Flash player for some reason does not get a policy response (e.g. connection failure, policy app not started, ...) it will try on the data port.

    We will try to find a solution that handles this cleanly on the client side.