Keeping user/team dictionary in sync with RPC

I am trying to keep a dictionary of player username's and teamIDs in sync over the network.

However, I am seeing results with AllBuffered that are puzzling me. I'm sure it is just a lapse in understanding somewhere.

When the second player joins the game, the following prints out 0. I would have expected it to print out 1 since the first player's username/teamid pair should already exist.
Debug.Log ("playerTeamIDs.Count=" + playerTeamIDs.Count);

However, during the Update(), the count is correctly 2. :?
	void Update()
		Debug.Log (playerTeamIDs.Count);

Full code below :)
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public class TeamManager : MonoBehaviour {

	const int MAX_PLAYERS_PER_TEAM = 1;

	// key = string (username)
	// value = int (team id)
	// used to lookup team id from username
	Dictionary<string, int> playerTeamIDs;

	PhotonView photonView;

	void Awake()
		// don't destroy the team manager when we load the game scene

		photonView = GetComponent<PhotonView>();

		playerTeamIDs = new Dictionary<string, int>();

	public int GetTeamID(string username)
		if (playerTeamIDs.ContainsKey(username))
			return playerTeamIDs[username];

		Debug.Log ("playerTeamIDs doesn't have player with username: " + username);
		return 0; // no team

	void SetTeamID_RPC(string username, int teamID)
		Debug.Log ("Adding " + username + " to team " + teamID);
		playerTeamIDs.Add (username, teamID);

	int GetTeamCount(int teamID)
		// use linq to get the number of player's in the team
		Debug.Log ("playerTeamIDs.Count=" + playerTeamIDs.Count);
		return playerTeamIDs.Count(id => id.Value == teamID);
	public void AssignTeam(string username)
		// team1 is full
		if (GetTeamCount (1) == MAX_PLAYERS_PER_TEAM)
			// assign player to team2
			photonView.RPC("SetTeamID_RPC", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, username, 2);
		else if (GetTeamCount(2) == MAX_PLAYERS_PER_TEAM) // team2 is full
			// assign player to team1
			photonView.RPC("SetTeamID_RPC", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, username, 1);
		else // neither team is full yet
			// assign the player to a random team
			int teamID = Random.Range (1, 3);
			photonView.RPC("SetTeamID_RPC", PhotonTargets.AllBuffered, username, teamID);

	void Update()
		Debug.Log (playerTeamIDs.Count);

And the AssignTeam function is called within the Start() of my GameLobbyNetworkManager class.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class GameLobbyNetworkManager : MonoBehaviour

	TeamManager teamManager;

	void Awake()
		teamManager = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("TeamManager").GetComponent<TeamManager>();

	void Start()
		// Assign to a team

Could anyone clear up my confusion around this?
Has the player just not gotten the AllBuffered messages yet? Is this a timing thing?
Or do I have some other misunderstanding? Is there a cleaner way to do this?

Is there a callback for when a client has received all of the AllBuffered messages?
Or should I be using player properties to handle this?

Also, I should mention that the current scene is being loaded using PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel
	void OnJoinedRoom()
		Debug.Log ("OnJoinedRoom");
		PhotonNetwork.LoadLevel ("gameLobby");

