Single Scene Architecture Randomly Generate Level

I was wondering how to sync levels (Gameobjects with a lot of children) between clients.
I have a single scene that i use to load the menu, rooms, and levels.
The levels are GameObjects that will be enabled and disabled depending on the chosen level.
It will also randomly generate a level by adding/removing children to that gameobject.

My questions are:
Would syncing a gameobject with a lot of children affect performance?
If i do it this way, would i need to attach PhotonViews to all of the children being synced? or just the parent (level)?
How else should i create multiplayer with a single scene architecture?

Thank you!


  • Tobias
    This depends a lot on Unity, actually. We didn't test this setup for performance.
    PUN will simply use MonoMessage() to call the callbacks (see PunBehaviour).

    In the end: Lots of objects always affect performance at some point. Please make a test case and try.