Remote cloned Unity objects created in disabled State

Managed to get 2 clients joining a Photon room, both players are visable in the room. The Player(Clone) Photon.Instantiated "Player" prefab are created on remote machine in Unity disabled state. Is there a configuration flag to set to force cloned objects to created in enabled state?

I am using Unity 5.0.0f4.


  • Tobias
    PUN does not change the settings of instantiated prefabs, so somehow you/your code disables the player.
    Check the scripts on the Prefab. Their Awake() and Start() methods might have the effect. Or the components are setup this way...
  • prage
    The problem is in the application code, object as 18 components attached. Added Extra code in Photon to check instantiated object for disabled state and then enable object. Would this be a usefull change to add to Photon?
  • gibbon84
    Hi, I am having this exact issue. Without any change when my gameobject is instantiated, the remote version starts in disabled state, therefore not showing on the remote side.

    For a while i couldnt workout why my object wasnt getting instantiated and without errors. It wasnt untill i did it in the editor when i noticed it was being but was disabled?

    how do i fix this? I definitely do not having any script that disables them.

  • gibbon84
    Ive managed to find it, in my post i said and quote " I definitely do not having any script that disables them."... I found myself to be a lier :)