stream.SendNext (anim.GetTrigger("punch"); Possible?

Alright so I was rewriting my character mouvement logic and as I'm making a sort of melee game with combos ....
I switched from Booleans to triggers but I can't find a way to sync states between players the way we can do with a float or a bool.

I was using: stream.SendNext (anim.GetBool("kick1"));

But there is no way to GetTrigger due to mecanim... but is there a not to complex workaround?

Thanks in advance,



  • Tobias
    You do want to sync actions triggered by some input, right? Why feed that to the animations first to then grab the value from there to send it again?
    I think triggers are too short lived in animations to sync them the way you plan it now. Chances are you only get "false" because it only triggers something, then is false again.

    You should take a look at sending the input to trigger the animations everywhere according to that. It should be cleaner to understand, too.