What to call when game reaches CCU limit?

If my game has reached it's ccu limit, I would like to politely inform the player that the server is full. How would I go about this? Please, tell it to me like I'm a 5 year old ;) Thanks.


  • There's a nice document inside your PUN package called PhotonNetwork-Documentation.pdf.
    It describes all PhotonNetwork callbacks. One of them is called when ccu limit is reached:
    void IPunCallbacks.OnPhotonMaxCccuReached ( )

    You should handle this case inside the class which inherits Photon.Monobehaviour where another callbacks like OnJoinedRoom() are described:
    void OnPhotonMaxCcuReached ( ) { //create your alert here }

    Btw, there's a typo in the documentation, the method name is written as "OnPhotonMaxCccuReached" (three "c").
  • dontonka
    Hello, yes be sure to use OnPhotonMaxCccuReached, with three c, otherwise your callback will not get called :).

    Personally, regarding this, the strategy I want to implement is to notify myself when this occurs (by raising a flag on my server, which would send me an email). I don't think it would give good impression of game from the user perspective if that message show up (saying server is full). If your game is free this might be ok, but if paid, you should not limit you user scale because of that, and just buy higher CCU limit on Photon when this is detected.

    Don T.
  • Tobias
    Ow. That third 'c' was unnoticed till now. *laugh*
    At least I misspelled it the same way in PunBehaviour.

    Any subscription with a monthly fee does include overage. Overage means that CCUs over your limit are technically possible (no one gets turned away) but you have to upgrade the subscription when you notice (to accommodate the CCUs you actually need). Overage makes sure you basically don't need OnPhotonMaxCccuReached.
  • madfatcat wrote:
    There's a nice document inside your PUN package called PhotonNetwork-Documentation.pdf.
    Aha! I was looking online for this and couldn't find it. Thanks all for the helpful replies, great community :)