Photon Networking - PUN+, Turnbased , Realtime


We have PUN & PUN+ in asset store, But in photon we have the PUN+, Turnbased & Realtime. So if we use Turnbased, Which one we need to use PUN or PUN+ from Unity assetstore?
kindly guide me on this.


  • vadim

    For Unity project you can choose PUN or PUN+ plugin which are integrated with Unity environment.

    Aside from Photon Unity Plugin, Photon DotNet SDKs exist in two flavors: Turnbased and Realtime. SDKs are for standalone use but may be bundled in Unity project also if you need some features not included in PUN/PUN+. If you use both plugin and SDK, they will be working in parallel (2 independent connections).

    But if you use Turnbased SDK only (with or w/o Unity), you do not need any plugin at all.
  • I am using photon cloud, Expecting 1000CCU, So if i get turnbased, is it any complete package? not as monthly? If i use PUN with turnbased, I will be getting all features in turnbased right??
  • Tobias
    PUN does not support Turnbased features (yet).
    You should use Photon Turnbased when you need async games which can be played over a few days. The server will store the state on a web service which you have to provide.
    Turnbased as a separate SDK which you can find on our download page:

    It's easier to help when you explain what features you need.
    PUN is fine for most realtime games.

    For 1000 CCU Photon Cloud, you will have to subscribe in any case. To support so many players, we need a monthly fee.