Error CreateRoom failed

sory am not good english but i need someone help-me i can't fix this error long time 3 month ago

CreateRoom failed. Client is not on Master Server or not yet ready to call operations. Wait for callback: OnJoinedLobby or OnConnectedToMaster.

Thank you



  • I get this once in a while, but I think it's because the connect to lobby fails. But it's only once in a while. If it's every time, are you connecting to the Lobby first?
  • 2 things. 1: What is your code?

    2. If you're NOT waiting to actually connect before calling createroom, then you're saying "Hey, I know im not connected yet, but I want to make a room!".

    If you have the CreateRoom done right away via code, make sure you do it in the OnJoinedLobby section.

    If you're doing it via a button. Make sure you're actually connected.

    If you ARE connected, make sure you didn't make a room...then try to make another room.

    When you create a room, you automatically join it. Trying to create a room within a room will also result in that error.