Setup matchmaking

Where would one start to setup a "lobby" and matchmaking server on your cloud like robocraft does? Your docs say the cloud is the dedicated server, but in reality its just a messaging server. Its only passing messages between clients.... The clients are actually the servers. I'm trying to see what the benefit is here. What is my money paying for, and how do I actually use this service?


  • The cloud is not a dedicated server as can modify the server.

    The cloud is the server software, which your game..connects to the cloud..and uses that as a server. So no, your clients are not the servers. ... -and-lobby

    Give that a read, as it explains how to setup matchmaking / lobbies with PUN.
  • It is in the sense that a "client" has to host and control the rooms... So yes, Unity would be the game server... Cloud ONLY passes messages. That's not a dedicated server as their homepage implies.

    That doesn't answer the question though, of how would one create rooms, without a client to say create a room?
  • How about this.
    How do you do a simple login authentication? With say Playfab?
  • vadim
    Client connects to the lobby on master server first. It can join existing room there or create new one. So 'lobby' logic runs on master server but only client can invoke room creation. After joining or creating room, client is connected to game server which basically passes messages between clients (game logic should be run on clients).
    Please read ... entication for authentication support details.
    Short, Photon does not provide authentication service itself but can ask 3rd party service for authentication check.