How many rigidbodies can Photon handle?


I'd like to ask gurus if it's a good idea to sync, say, 60 rigidBodies2D in my game (15 times per second) ?
I'm planning to sync rigidbodies (Vector2) position and (float)rotation. Isn't this too much? Will it be possible to sync such number of rigidbodies seamlessly without significant network lags? I know I can test this by myself and I actually done that and everything works pretty smooth, but I wanted to know how such game will behave in real life, when there are thousands of kilometers between clients and the connection is pretty poor on some of them.


  • Tobias
    In real life you can expect more lag, lost messages and a few customers with much worse internet connections.

    It's impossible for us to provide fixed numbers if something works. We neither know your customers, target platform, nor the market, etc.
    If you test and it's working OK, this should work in most cases.
    Sorry but with networking you really need to do a bit of testing with a dedicated group of users.