Send Video Chat Packet

i have 2questions.
my game is a Conference Game.i use VideoChat(By Midnight) for photonNetwork.
thats works nice on UnityNetwork.But in PhotonNetwork, Players disconnect several times.
I've changed the videochat settings for better performance but ...
How Can i fix it?
when i connect to photonServer and then close .exe ,computer stops work and i should close game with TaskManager.why?


  • vadim
    1. What is in logs?
    What does "Players disconnect" mean? VideoChat or photon client gets disconnected?
    2. What exe are you talking about. Is that built with Unity editor?
  • 1. What is in logs?
    What does "Players disconnect" mean? VideoChat or photon client gets disconnected?
    2. What exe are you talking about. Is that built with Unity editor?
  • vadim
    So what is in logs? You provided not much info to help you.
    Please enable detailed logs on app start:
    PhotonNetwork.logLevel = PhotonLogLevel.Full;
    PhotonNetwork.networkingPeer.DebugOut = DebugLevel.INFO;
  • I want to know ,is something forced to close when i send big package!?something like one code LoadBalancingClient.loadBalancingPeer.MaximumTransferUnit = 520.

    i enable detailed logs and I realized that photon send rpc in all frames.
    // this.photonView.RPC ("RPCNAME", PhotonTargets.Others,bytes);
    PhotonView is unreliable on change.but Photon Send this Rpc in all Frames!i want Send Rpc when bytes Change!
  • Tobias
    The PhotonView observe setting has nothing to do with RPCs. When you send an RPC, PUN will simply send whatever you put in. It does not delta compress auto-magically.
    Usually, bigger data should be fragmented into packages when it's too much for one MTU-sized package. Editing the MTU value is not the solution here.

    PUN is not built with Video Chat in mind. If it fails in this use case, then probably it's just not a suitable use case.
    Sorry to say. Photon is for quick communication of game-related data.