Connection problems - Unity3D - Default application

edited October 2014 in Photon Server

I'm having some troubles to connect with a local server.
I followed this steps in "Starting Photon in 5 minutes" ( ... er-in-5min) and used the "" with this server "ExitGames-Photon-Server-SDK_v3-4-23-6391.exe".

I set my IP to Local IP, started the LoadBalancing (myCloud) application and ran the TestClient. Everything looks fine here.
Then I changed to Default application and again ran the TestClient. Ok here too.
But when I try to connect using the Unity Demo project I can't.

What I am doing wrong? =/


  • Tobias
    The Unity Demo project needs the IP being configured in code or the Inspector and you have to run the "LoadBalancing (MyCloud)" applications for it.
    If that's both setup, let me know which error you get logged. There should be some hint in the client side what goes wrong.