I need some information please...

edited October 2014 in Photon Server
I am making a game, I am at the part where i want to have a online mode. My game is a OMFPSRPG, It has lots of AI and scripts form cars, items, weather, doors, and more i also am planning to make it PVP so there would be scripts for this... I am coding this in Unity3D using C#. I want my players to be able to host there own dedicated servers to save me money on server costs as this is a indie game by a single developer. I am looking at my options and i have seen Photon i want to know if this is a good choice for me? There server will probably have a max of 32 players online at any one time (if it get that popular). I would like to know if i can modify the server-side code to handle all thats going on inside my games world as its persistence (running even if there is no one online)


  • chvetsov
    i can not say exactly about pricing.
    But about your last question - yes, you are able to modify server code and implement everything you want.
  • Hi,

    thanks for your interest in Photon!

    We offer a "redistributable" server license for Photon, where you can ship Photon to your customers as part of the game, and they can host the server themselves.
    We have free license (100 servers / concurrently running Photon instance, à 50 CCU) and a paid license (500 servers à 50 CCU). See details here: https://www.exitgames.com/en/OnPremise/Pricing
  • Hello.
    I'm interested in the same issue here: a game with multiplayer capability, but at max 4 concurrent players on the same server. One of the player can (actually, must) host the server instance so I have a proliferation of many "little" servers, each one serving no more then 4 players. So my question is: how can go over the 100 or 500 servers limit? Of course I do hope to have more then 500 hosted games all around the world in a given time, so this license limitation seems not fitting well with my product.
    Thank you for any help and/or clarification.
    Fabio Da Soghe
  • Hi Fabio,

    if our licenses don't match your needs, please drop a mail to developer@exitgames.com - our sales team will be happy to discuss the requirements and find a solution with you. :-)

  • e2ef129f_o.png
    i want know how does work PUN+?!
    i want send my information from clients to centeral server and centeral server sends packet to all other clients!
    p2p is so slow for send RPCs in my game!
  • PUN is like the left schema: all PUN clients connect to Photon Cloud, and Photon distributes the data between your clients.

    Just what you want, give it a try. ;)