Edit and continue (assembly reload)


I just upgraded to Unity 4.5.x and am in the process of upgrading our game to support better assembly reload serialization because we used to have broken the assembly reload with our custom data structure. I wanted to be sure that PUN actually supports it also correctly so I do not go into too much trouble for nothing.

Thanks !


  • Tobias
    I am not aware of assembly reload serialization, actually. We rely on what Unity does for our components and ScriptableObjects and aside from that, our protocol serialization (for the network messages) is totally custom.
    Please point me to some overview of what the feature does and I will take a look.
  • When the game code is changed unity reloads all game assemblies triggering serializations of data. Just wanted to know if the connection will drop effectively broking edit and continue functionalities in unity.
  • Tobias
    Yes, unfortunately the connection breaks when Unity re-compiles.
    I am not entirely sure if we can keep the connection/socket in such a case.