Server and MySQL

edited July 2014 in Photon Server
Hello, I'm new to photon server so can anyone can suggest how can i implement my game server with database (using mySQL)
Now I'm using NHibernate and FluentNHibernate. Thank


  • Welcome to our forum and thanks for choosing Photon!

    Think of Photon in the same way as the IIS: it just hosts .NET code. ;) The code for the Photon applications (like Loadbalancing) are open source and written in C#, you can modify them in any way you want. You can integrate any database or persistency framework that can be used from a .NET application. MySQL, NHibernate etc. are fine.

    For example, if you want to create a record in your database each time a game is created, search for the HandleCreateGame() method and modify it.

    Some general information about the server-side code of Photon, please check out the "Tutorials" articles on
  • redburn155
    Thx for reply Nicole!