Webhooks in Realtime

The Photon Turnbased documentation makes me believe that Photon Realtime includes everything that photon Turnbased has:
http://doc.exitgames.com/en/turnbased/c ... -turnbased
http://doc.exitgames.com/en/turnbased/c ... ased-intro

Also, the realtime documentation talks about Webhooks and that you can set them up in the dashboard. It links to the realtime dashboard:
http://doc.exitgames.com/en/realtime/cu ... e/webhooks

However, in the realtime dashboard, there is no "Webhooks" in the details. This contradicts the documentation link above. Why is this so? Are Webhooks going to be included in Realtime in the future? Will Realtime really include everything that Turnbased has?

The reason that I'm asking is that I have a PUN+ account and I wonder if I will be able to use the features of Turnbased with this.



  • bertelmonster2k
    Excellent question :).

    Let me answer in 2 parts

    1) Realtime (RT) and Turnbased (TB) is the exact same technology under the hood. TB just has a lower messages/s/room limit and is prices ~30% cheaper.
    BUT ... WebHooks and WebRPC is a new feature and right now only supported in TB. Once this is working (according to our expactations) it will find its way in RT as well. ETA for this should be early August.

    2) PUN (and PUN+) will work with a TB app.
    BUT ...as of now PUN is not adopted for TB:
    - no support for WebRPC
    - no support of inactive players
    - no support for rejoining a game
    - no support to forward events (webhook)

    We will work to support Tb features in PUN in the next 4-8 weeks.

    Hope that makes sense, Chris
  • Hi I also had the same question as alanic. Is there any updates on the webhook support for Photon Realtime?

    If this feature isn't going to be supported anytime soon, then the documentation should reflect that. Currently it's very misleading because webhook reference appears under the realtime section: http://doc.exitgames.com/en/realtime/cu ... /webhooks/