Windows Phone 8 cpp solution

edited May 2014 in Native
Hi guys, me and my mate are developing a car game with Cocos2d. We are using Photons SDK for Android and iOS, they are both written in cpp and works fine.
We want to include Windows Phone 8 into supported mobile platform list, but the SDK for wp8 is written in C#.
What could be the quick and easy solution if any?

Currently we've got a server class which deals with Photon SDK, but its in cpp :)
Do we need a bridge between cpp and c# or there is a better solution?

Any opinion appreciated, thanks!


  • Kaiserludi
    Hi marteenas.

    You may want to drop us a mail at We could then discuss if we would simply add Windows Phone 8 C++ support, but I can't promise anything.

    Another option would be to use the Marmalade C++ multiplatform engine and use the Windows Phone support of the Photon Marmalade Client SDK (which is C++). However I don't know how much p to udate the Marmalade version of cocos2d-x is (I guess you use cocos2d-x, the C++ and multiplatform version of cocos2d, right?).

    A bridge to use the C# SDK from C++ would also be an option, but I guess that would be some work and you also would then have to use to some degree differing client APIs for Windows Phone than for Android and iOS, which would make for example updating to newer versions more effort.
  • Hi,

    Did anyone solve this? Because i have similar problem needing the windows phone c++ client. Any updates would be appreciated.
