Error starting bin_Win64 or bin_Win32

edited April 2014 in Photon Server
I am hoping this is a simple problem to solve:

I have a fresh install of Server2008 SP2 x64 fully patched with .NET Frameworks 3.5 SP1 and 4.5.1

I had "ExitGames-Photon-Server-SDK_v3-2-10-4248" working fine in the bin_Win64 folder.
It wasn't installed as a service but my application was running just fine.

I decided to update to the latest ExitGames-Photon-Server-SDK_v3-4-13-5874 and deleted my old project folder completely. No loss really as it was easy enough to rebuild my project with the new lib dll's.

Using the default install, I can run PhotonControl from either bin_Win32_xp or bin_Win64_xp. The default applications from PhotonControl will start.

However when I start PhotonControl from either bin_Win32 or bin_Win64 and then try to run the default application, I get this error window pop-up immediately:
PhotonSocketServer.exe - Entry Point Not Found.
The procedure entry point TryAcquireSRWLockExclusive could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll

Nothing makes it to a Photon error log.


  • oldngrey
    Some speculation:
    Since my server is Server 2008 it contains the Vista 64 bit core, unlike Server 2008R2 which was built on the Windows 7 core.

    Is it possible that later versions of Photon in the bin_Win64 folder have been compiled to require a minimum of the Windows 7 core? In other words has the XP build really become the XP and Vista build?

    So, should I revert to the old _v3-2-10-4248 or simply use the XP version of v3-4-13-5874?

    Thanks for any help.....
  • Yes, please use the XP versions of Photon Server SDK 3.4 (for now).

    We'll have a fix for the error above in the next minor release.
  • oldngrey
    Thank you for your reply Nicole.