Question about which example to follow.

edited April 2014 in Photon Server
If this matters, we are using Unity (2D project).

I managed to get basic Photon Cloud working with all the database user account login/register things, movement, HP and animation syncing etc, but now its time to move on to the authoritative server.

I checked "Lite" demo and what I understood its room based server setup, this is what we are looking for. Game could be seen as side-scrolling dungeon crawling which means we are not handling large amount of players in one room, goal is to have multiple "lobby towns" allowing players to interact and chat with each other (not more than players on same room 10-30 at any given time, most likely) , then moving to instance dungeons with 4 to 6 players party. So in the end we are dealing with multiple scenes/rooms and handling players depending on that, easily going over 20 different "maps" eventually.

Is "Lite" efficient enough to handle this kind of game (assuming we expand it enough to handle necessary thing with animations etc.) or should we look for mmo example? Personally I feel mmo is overkill, but then again I have no idea about networking, learning as I go.


  • Quick update, Tobias suggested looking into LoadBalancing demo, any suggestions/advices are more than welcome while I dig into things. cjrgaming "Photon Framework" looked quite intresting, but have not yet checked into that too much.