Debug log Executing operation driving me crazy!

edited March 2014 in Photon Server
Hi, when i register custom types and serialize/deserialize them on server apparently there is RaiseEvent called
My question is, did someone managed to turn that debug log OFF ?
I commented out every appearance of log with Executing Operation text but its still showing up in log (which is almost unreadable when sending position 30 times per second)
It's literally driving me crazy.

Thanks for any suggestions

PS: i don't want to turn debug logging off completely because i'm still using it


  • Please don't get crazy :)

    Can you give me an example of the log message?

    You can either change the code and remove that log output, or change the log level (in general or for specific classes) in the application's log4net.config file.
  • Marek
    2014-03-14 08:30:51,719 [18] DEBUG Lite.Room [(null)] - Executing operation RaiseEvent

    I'am using LoadBalancing server and i already commented out logs with "Executing operation" in whole solution but message still appears :(:(

    Edit: Tried to set debug level to INFO in log4net.config as you suggested and my DebugLogs are not showing (which is fine) but DEBUG Lite.Room - Executing Operation RaiseEvent is still there :(
  • Add this to your log4net config:

    <logger name="Lite.Room" additivity="false">
    <level value="INFO" />
    <appender-ref ref="LogFileAppender" />
  • Marek
    Thank you very much!!!!
    Finally i can work in peace 8-)
  • Marek
    ARGH! Just found what was the original issue ....... i commented out all Logs in Lite.Room but sure i forgot to add copy Lite.dll to my copy script ... silly me
  • Hehe. Glad you found that hauntig bug ;)