Filter RoomList in Master Server

edited February 2014 in Photon Server

I would like to filter the room list data that the server sends to clients because if Master Server has 3000 rooms I think that is too much traffic and too many useless data. Maybe client only needs to know about a little subset of this 3000 rooms.

if I understand correctly, Master Server sends the full room list on HandleJoinLobby() function and client stores this info in a list of RoomInfo object. Can I query (with a custom operation or similar) the room list using room properties?



  • Tobias
    Unfortunately, you can't filter it. In the Photon Cloud, it's not built in but running your own servers, you could add this.

    We DO have a way to control the number of rooms.
    You can split up room listings by using multiple lobbies. This is not yet available in PUN though, so: Which client are you using?

    Once a room is full or the game gets started, you should hide it by setting room.IsVisible = false. This drops rooms you can't join from the lobby.
    You can also decide not to get the rooms list. Turn it off by setting: autoJoinLobby = false. You can still use OpJoinRandomRoom() and even filter rooms without ever fetching the rooms list.