Server C++ support?

edited January 2014 in Photon Server
Is there support for writing server code in C++ instead of C#? I am concerned about C# performance being good enough for MMO level work on the server side.


  • chvetsov
    hi, adammil

    there is experemental implementation of photonsocketserver and Lite in C++. But this work is very far from final state. so, you could use Managed C++ instead of C#. We have sample LoadBalancingMC++
  • Kaiserludi
    Hi adamil.

    The performance critical parts of the Photon server are written in highly optimized native C++. The application level, which is, what you can directly modify yourself, is managed code, but at the level, where customizations make sense, you are already high level enough that perfornmace differences between languages should not matter and only high level optimizations in terms of algorithms should be relevant.