Oculus + Photon Tutorial

I am working on a small demo using the Oculus and Photon via the Unity 3D Engine. So I thought I would make a post here and upload my tutorial when I get everything working correctly. If anyone has already used photon to host multiple OVRPlayerControllers or OVRCameraControllers please share your findings as well.


  • Tobias
    Cool you're experimenting with it.
    I think Photon or multiplayer in general shouldn't really make a difference for Oculus-usage though. Most likely you get more responses for that in the Unity forum.
    Let us know how you do.
  • Hi guys maybe you can help me out,
    Im trying to spawn an oculus vr player.
    what I am doing is to use: photonNetwork.instantiate(oculusPrefab,position,rotation,groupId);

    the thing is that when i use the photonNetwork.instantiate the prefab camera is off

    i cant understand why, is there a possibility to turn it on while instantiating

    thanks in advance
