Anti-cheat tactics

edited December 2013 in Photon Server
Hi everyb,

I want to create simple top-down shooter and has already made simple prototype using unity. Everything works great but now I can't figure where to go next to figure out how to create hard-to-cheat-server-solution... Is it possible with Photon Cloud? As I understood there is a bunch of FPS use Photon - do they use dedicated server's with serverside anti-cheat checks for all clients or there are efficient techniques to do cross-clients anti cheat checks? How it can be realized in most simple way using unity/c#? I'm pretty experienced in single player game dev but in real time multi-player still noob so I'd be very thankful for all info, links on tutorials and advices about this topic...



  • chvetsov
    Hi, hanuman.

    I can not give any information and references. You may find it your self. Just remeber such games like Quake, CounterStrike. I belive you will be able to find information about cheating protection in this games
  • hanuman
    Thanks for reply Ilya, but it's not very helpful. CS for example has external anti-cheat system if I remember correctly and AAA-class games are not what I want. I want to find out more or less simple anti cheat techniques usable with Photon(cloud preferably) and unity. Esli esty kakie to konkretnie narabotki, budu rad uslishaty... ;)
  • Hey hanuman,

    you might get some ideas about "request validation" from this thread: viewtopic.php?f=5&t=3798

    However, Photon Cloud does not support custom server-side code at the moment - if you want to implement checks on the server-side, you'll need to use Photon Server.
  • Hey Nicole,
    Thanks for this's very helpful and solve my problem.Thanks once again.