PUN+ licensing term confirmation

edited December 2013 in Photon Server
Hi there,

I've been reading the FAQ regarding the PUN+ for Unity3d available in the Asset Store and i want to know if it's possible to buy several PUN+ licences for three diferent multiplayer games (for android) using the same account.

As far as i understand reading the FAQ i can only buy one PUN+ from the Asset Store per account, so in my case i have to go with the regular PUN and buy a Unity Android Pro licence. Can anyone confirm this?

Another question: if i buy one PUN+ licence but i want 500CC users (instead of 100CC), how can i do that, using the regular page from the photon website?



  • Tobias
    With the standard terms in the Unity Asset Store, you can buy most Assets only once but use them in any games you do.
    The same is true for the client libs in the PUN+ package. You don't have to buy Unity Android Pro if you got it.
    This also means you can get the subscription +100 CCU of the PUN+ package only once, for one title. You can get more free subscriptions for development but need to use normal subscriptions for other titles.

    PUN+ only adds 100 CCU to any of your subscriptions (even a Free one). So you pay for 500 CCU in the subscription but if you applied the PUN+ "Bonus" 100 CCU, you get 600.

    Use the "Dashboard" webpage to see and modify your subscriptions. If you click "switch plan", you can adjust the number of CCUs you need.
    The URL is: https://www.exitgames.com/en/Realtime/Dashboard

    Hope this helps.