Destroying manually allocated GO

To spawn my objects locally and just pass a seed, I assigned them a manually chosen viewID.
(i.e. 10333)

Now nobody owns the object.

So I cant call PhotonNetwork.Destroy.

I also cant call Destroy because than the viewID is still allocated.

And I cant unassignviewid because the viewID is still in use.

I just cant get rid of that objects..


  • Tobias
    The owner is derived from the ID, so there's always someone (or the scene) owning the GO.
    It should be possible to de-allocate manually allocated IDs but you should use the methods PhotonNetwork offers for that.
    Did you find the (brief) description of manual allocation in the PDF doc in the package?
  • For performance reasons, I dont use allocateViewID , but do something like go.viewID = 10333;

    In the inspector its says at owner: [10] < no Photonplayer found>

    Yes I read the description, but it didnt fit what I needed.

    The reason I spawned them locally like that, are that I get Recieved unkown status code: QueueIncomingReliable Warning

    I want to spawn 100 objects and need 2 RPCs each to initialize them if I do it the other way.
  • Tobias
    "For performance reasons, I dont use allocateViewID , but do something like go.viewID = 10333;"
    How much more performance does this give you? Is that really a bottleneck?

    "The reason I spawned them locally like that, are that I get Recieved unkown status code: QueueIncomingReliable Warning"
    This is a warning and not an error. It can turn into an error if you get this a lot though. It basically means: "You get more messages than you consume", which in turn means you might run into a "out of memory" issue or performance issues over time.

    "I want to spawn 100 objects and need 2 RPCs each to initialize them if I do it the other way."
    Maybe you can get around spawning them?
    Can you explain what you want to do?