I'm confused. Photon Server + Unity3d.

edited October 2013 in Photon Server
Hello, I'm having problems understanding the Photon Server and have many questions still unresolved after reading all that I could find on the developer website. Anyway, I created a shooter game using Photon Cloud without any issues and I know what I'm doing with that, it's simple and easy to understand. The game got more popular than I expected and people want me to continue making it, and to do so I'd need an authoritative server for things like game-mode logic and general administration.

I downloaded the Photon Server sdk from https://www.exitgames.com/Download and chose the top Server SDK, installed it, and now I'm stuck. I don't know what I need to do in order to create a very basic server. At the moment, all I'm trying to do is replicate the same thing that is running on the Photon Cloud... Why does it come with MMODemos and LiteLobby? Why, when I open the solution, does LiteLobby have 4 different projects inside of it?

It would be really helpful if someone could post a simplistic tutorial page (Not the one from CJR or Quill18 because I've seen them) at which I can learn to integrate Photon Server with Unity in order to create a simple server with logic?

I know a bit about socket programming etc; that sort of thing isn't what's confusing me... I'm just unsure how to actually start working on this. Any help is appreciated.



  • Hello,

    please ignore that "Lite" and "LiteLobby" and "MMO Demo" stuff for now. They are demo applications for special use cases, but not what you are looking for.

    The "Loadbalancing" project has (almost) the same functionality as Photon Cloud. Start Photon Control, set the "LoadBalancing IP Config" from Photon Control, and then start the "LoadBalancing (My Cloud)" instance. You should be able to connect your clients to your local Photon and your game should work the same way as it worked with Photon Cloud.

    Here is a tutorial: http://doc.exitgames.com/photon-server/PhotonIn5Min/ - and the other articles in the "Getting started" section might be useful as well.

    When that is working, you should have a closer look at the source code of the Loadbalancing application. Please start with this topic: http://doc.exitgames.com/photon-server/LoadBalancing/
    It explains how the applications are working, how the "master" and "game server" apps exchange data and how the client workflow is handled.

    Is that what you are looking for? If you have further questions, please let us know.