Photon and UDK?

edited April 2014 in Photon Server

Can Photon be used with UDK (not mobile version, the PC one)?



  • Tobias
    From our side, there is no limitation but we did not test it. Our Win32 SDK looks like a candidate for integration.
    You should cross check with the UDP docs.
  • Kaiserludi
    I have bad news: The UDK can't be supported, as you do not have access to native libraries from the scripts in the UDK and do not have any access to the Unreal Engine native Source in the UDK. This way the UDK forces you to go with the buildin features. if you want to add any adiotional functionality via 3rd party libraries like Photon, then you will need the "full version" of the unreal engine license, including native source access, not only the UDK.
  • dreamora
    What about the DLL Bind functionality?
    UDK on windows has a DLL Bind functionality so it could potentially hook in (not so on mobile where it has no such functionality)
    problem is the question of how large the overhead would be for this passage and if it does not make it unfeasable in the end.
  • Kaiserludi
    Did not invested that one any deeper, but as far as I know ,NET dlls are not compatible with the UDK and our native lib is only available as a static lib at the moment (of course this could perhaps change in future).
  • dreamora
    I didn't check the license on this matter but unless the license explicitely forbids creating a wrapper dll that includes it which exposes the relevant data through c decl functionality should do the trick. The only thing in question here is the license of Photon.
  • OmegaGames
    Re-bumping due to relevant news. UE4 was just released with full access to source. Any update on a non-.Net version of Photon Server?
  • Kaiserludi
    We don't plan to release a non-.NET version of Photon server anytime soon, but that shouldn't have any relevance for using Photon with UE4, as for that matter it's doesn't matter what Photon is supporting on the server side, but only what it is supporting on the client side.
    As UE4 is provided with its full C++ source, unlike the UDK, it should work just fine with Photons C++ Client SDKs.
  • bertelmonster2k
    We have a proof of concept for Unreal Engine 4 (UE4): ...
