How to do that!

edited September 2013 in Photon Server
HI guys :?
I have use the photon on my game ,but when I finish my game, I have found two serious problem
1. that is how to update my game, I don't want to publish another client , so as we know, many games are updated on the server side, I just modify the servercode and reset the photon,when the client enter the game I can test the game version number and decide whether he should update the client or not! so how to do that if I use the photon ? this is a problem ,I use the unity , I want to update the game (for example:different missions for every days) and the UI etc.
2. when the photon runs, I want to brocast a system message to all players ,how dose the photon can load my message ,I don't want to reset my photon , all in a word , keep the photon runs and modify the server code and brocast a message ,how to do that ,thank you :roll:


  • BesoC
    How I'm doing that:
    1. every peer on authentication sends to server its version, and server only allows those with the current version to log in. others receive specific errorcode in response and so they know that they should update. For update purpose i would like to recommend Applife update -
    2. Implement a new peer(call it moderator, superviser, etc) that can connect to server and send some OperationRequest with the desired message. Server should handle the request, take the message from it and then broadcast to all users using EventData.SendTo() method.