Broadcast whitout Lite or MMO

edited August 2013 in Photon Server
Im creating the server from scratch thus i dont have Lite (or i do but not using it) functions, im now in need to broadcast to multiple clients, how would i aproach this ?

Best Regards

Found the solution:
Code for further reference:

[code2=csharp]// ConnectedClients is a Dictionary <Guid, peer>
IEnumerable<PeerBase> peers = _server.ConnectedClients.Values;

//Event Code, parameters to send
var eventData = new EventData((byte)UnityParameterCode.ownerID, _server.ConnectedClients);

//List of peers to send, send EventData Parameters
eventData.SendTo(peers, new SendParameters());[/code2]

So simple but still no mentioning on tutorials or references, everything is about using PUN, lite, Load, etc, not much about using scratch SDK :(