where is the room

mad_sir1 ✭✭
edited July 2013 in Photon Server
Hey !maybe it is a so easy question for you ,
:? but it drives me crazy. I use the LiteLobby demo ,we know we can input the roomname and just opjoin(roomname) it will put us into the correct room ,so I have a question ,when we send the opjoin(roomname) operation ,on the server side ,where is the roomname save ,the operation is receive in the litepeer.cs ,how does the LiteLobby knows ,and I have foreach the roomlist and the changelist in the litelobbyroom.cs ,but the nothing is in it??what dose the roomlist save ?the roomlist is a hashtable like this (roomname,playercounts)?? but I got nothing in it ,but when someone join the lobby, it can receive the roomlist , so I make a test: I just creat a new room named "yourchatroom" when I creat the new room ,I think this room has been saved in the roomlist ,but when I foreach the roomlist ,nothing in it ,when I can find the room,I want to find the room and change the roomname ,and then pubish to others,how can I achive it? :|


  • Check the base classes from the Lite project: the "Room" class holds the room name, players ("actors") and property collections, and the RoomCacheBase (with it's derived classes in LiteLobby.Caching) holds the room objects.