Errorcode 1033

edited July 2013 in Photon Server
Hi, I am facing a wierd issue that I can't seem to pin down.

Several clients are connecting to a server through iOS devices using the photon framework. Some users complain that they are getting an error 1033: (PhotonPeer incoming reliable queue is filling up. Dispatch more often.)

These users are on WIFI connections, when they switch over to 3G, their connections are ok. We have also encountered this in the office with the similar solution.

We have called the Service function to dispatch 30 times per second, up from 10 times per second, but we still have this issue.

Any assistance is appreciated :)


  • Tobias
    Make sure there's no "hiccup" or temporary freezing when you call dispatch. Such an issue might be induced through the engine / framework you use. In Unity (e.g.) the Update method is not called when you load assets and on device this might take a moment longer.
  • Our client receives data from the server, and calls dispatch immediately after all data is loaded, it does not do any processing in the meantime. Is there some throttling tweaks that I can do server side?