Connecting to rooms problem with PUN v1.20 and v3.2.10 serve


I want to update PUN to v1.20 for our game but we are having a serious problem. It works great with photon cloud but when connecting to our dedicated v3.2.10 server, if the player leaves a room then tries to enters the same room for some reason it cannot. There is no log about why the player cannot enter the room. It works great in PUN v1.19.3

Any ideas?


  • Tobias
    What is your workflow for leaving and re-entering the same room? In other words: You call leave and where do you call join again?

    It could be a simple timing issue: The GameServer and MasterServer talk to each other in intervals. If your client is too quick joining again, maybe the MasterServer still thinks the room is full.

    To debug, we can take a look at the result for the join operation. Find PhotonNetwork.OnOperationResponse(). Change the switch case OperationCode.JoinGame to:

    Debug.Log("Failed to Join. Response: " + operationResponse.ToStringFull());

    Post the result here please.
    And: Do you use re-join in your game actually or is this bugging you during development?
  • Bulutk
    I receive a
    Failed to Join. Response: OperationResponse 226: ReturnCode: 32761 (User is blocked). Parameters: {}
    Is it some kind of authentication problem?

    Also quick joining should not be the problem I don't re-enter programmatically, player enters a room plays a match then leaves back to the loby. Then they see a list of all open games and they can enter another game. In this case they cannot enter back to the original room.

    And people should be able to leave then enter back to the same room :)
  • Bulutk
    So any ideas about user is blocked ?
  • Tobias
    Are you sure you run server Can you attache the version.txt from the deploy folder?

    I can't find it in the current server code and was assuming this code isn't used at the moment. It got outdated a while ago.
    I will ask the server colleagues to have a look.
  • The Photon Socket Server SDK 3.2 still had that "feature" - the User ID needs to be unique for matchmaking, otherwise you get the error above.

    So you either need to make sure that you don't connect two users with the same User ID at the same time, or I could send you a patch file that removes the restriction from the server side loadbalancing code (it will be removed from the next Photon Server SDK release anyway).
  • Bulutk
    Well the user Id's are unique normally but I guess somehow the server does not remove the player Id from that room list. By the way it still does not answer why it is working in PUN v1.19.3 but not v.1.20

    And yes that patch file would be great :)
  • Tobias
    It might work in the older PUN version when that didn't send the userid at all. In those cases, the server assigns unique ones.
    During testing, sometimes you don't disconnect. In those cases, the userId might still be used when you try again.
    That was at least my favorite issue with them :)
  • Patch file was sent by PM.