Data transfer problem

edited July 2013 in Photon Server

I've got problem with sending large portions of data from server to client when they both on the localhost.
If the data size is about 50Kb client application waiting for server respond (about one minute), and then it disconnects.
This is never happens when data is tiny.

What could cause this problem?

P.S. I'll attach my logs if it would be helpful.


  • I guess you are using UDP? We have also seen this behavior, it is probably related to buffer spaces - I'm not sure if we can do anything about it, but we'll raise the priority for this issue and have a look.
    It should only happen on localhost, not if data is sent over a network. The only workaround I can recommend for now is to split your data into smaller messages - which might be a good idea anyway, because Photon is optimized for lots of small data rather than big messages.
  • fss
    Your guess is right, we are using UDP, so the reason of problem is now clear for me.

    Thanks for the fast and helpful reply, your team is provides a really nice technical support.