about the lite application

mad_sir1 ✭✭
edited June 2013 in Photon Server
hi !
photon is a good tool,it can make our games more wonderful,with the lite application,we can do many things,but recently,I have a problem about the lite application,which is I can not send my custom operation to the server,so why:
the client codes as follows:
var parameters = new dictionary<byte,object>();

the peer is a litepeer,but when I click the button to send,it will go wrong ,operationreponse unkown operation code,returncode -1,so why.the codes I have define on the server side,I have confused it many days ,but I find ,when I send the operation by the photonpeer,it success,dose the litepeer can not send custom operation or use the opcustom. I will appreticatie if you can help me solve the problem, thanks!