what is the problem?

mad_sir1 ✭✭
edited June 2013 in Photon Server
base on the lite application,when I send an operation from client to the server side ,the operationresponse feedback unkown operationcode ,returncode -1,the operationcode on the server and client is the same code,when I want to call the operation opcustom(),the feedback like before,what is the problem?can anyone help me ? :?:


  • Sorry, I can't see from your description what the problem with your code is.

    Best advice I can give here: attach a debugger to Photon, set a breakpoint in LitePeer.OnOperationRequest(), check the operation code that is passed into that method and see why it fails.
  • mad_sir1
    thank you for your reply ,I have sovle the problem ,it is beacause the log,I can trace what have happen on the server side,thank you !