13 hours of tinkering...Need guidance

[Deleted User]
edited April 2013 in DotNet
Hello everyone! For around 13 hours I've been looking at and trying to understand the code to set up my own game. Before I state my questions i'll list what i want to accomplish.
1. A Minecraft like server. Meaning i can get on with like 5 of my friends. Is it possible to have a persistent world on a cloud server? Or do i just need to have a Sql server keep player data so they cant farm a creature for multiple swords or something . I never plan on making game public. It is simply just a game for me to design for me and some of my friends. Currently i have a good grasp of C#.

2. I plan on having a simple 3rd person adventure game, but every time i try to make the MOST basic area to connect to people in i constantly fail. I try to connect the 3rd person controller script to a Ball and or cube and have it run around the terrain with another client that is also a ball or a cube. I look at tutorials, but there never explained well enough for me., but I'm getting to the point where i think it might not be possible for me to even do this.

Sorry if this was too much to read.

Thank you for the advice,


  • Tobias
    1. Photon Cloud can't be made to persist any data. Whatever you achieve in a game session, will be gone when the last player leaves a room. The server cleans up everything. If that's ok with you or you can save your levels/worlds somewhere, Photon Cloud can be used.
    You could persist data with the Photon Server SDK, where you can build your own server logic. Photon will save you some work (like connection handling, etc) but still is complicated and a lot to learn.

    2. The Marco Polo tutorial might help you. Or did you work through that already?
    http://doc.exitgames.com/photon-cloud/M ... o_Tutorial
  • Thank you for your information! I was able to complete the macro Polo tutorial. Last time i tried it i could never get it right. Im currently trying to implement that into one of my games right now, but i have hit a wall. I currently am able to have more than one "blob"( my characters) show up, but my input controls both of them. Currently im using https://www.assetstore.unity3d.com/#/content/2949 to control my character. It requires three scripts to move. RPGmotor RpgInput(which required RPG motor) these are put on a empty game object that holds my modes. While the RPGcamera is put on a empty game object that holds the Camera. then I put them all in a prefab.

    the part that i'm at requires this script.

    CharacterControl controller = monster.GetComponent<CharacterControl>();
    controller.enabled = true;
    CharacterCamera camera = monster.GetComponent<CharacterCamera>();
    camera.enabled = true;

    but im at a loss on how i need to change it.
    Here is a download to my project. Hopefully this will help clear things up http://www.2shared.com/file/XjnRXa7l/BlobAdventure.html

    thank you for all your help,