Starting on Windows8

edited April 2013 in DotNet

I'm developing a worms clone on windows 8 with C# and XNA. I tried using photon cloud about a week, but i have nothing.
I added to my project the loadballancing demo,so i can connect the server, make room and join, but i cant make anything other.
Can somebody help how to START USING THIS?
I cant find any tutorial just unity -.- and one flash/actionscript. The documentation pdf also useless.


  • chvetsov
    Hi, freeubi.

    I would recommend you to try Lite and it's client as tutorial. They are quite simple

    Also there is good description on the web ... #cat-Hello World&
    This is link to 'Hello world' tutorial, but you can find there also basic concepts description and so on

    Please read and come back if you will have questions
  • Thanks.
    I want to send a bool value to the other player. For that i call =>
    client.loadBalancingPeer.OpRaiseEvent(EV_INPUT, eventContent, true, 0);

    My problem is: after that on the client dont call OnEvent();

    what can be the problem?
  • dreamora
    did you ensure to be in the game?
    As long as you are in the lobby / master server, you can not communicate with other users in any form. You are only able to list the games and join one. Once you are in the game you can send events and communicate with other players