how to get a list of peers?

edited March 2013 in Photon Server
how to get a list of peers?


  • vetnabivao wrote:
    how to get a list of peers?

    I'm not sure if there is something in the API for this (there may be), but you could store them in a collection after you create them.
  • and then how to send an event or transaction specific feast?
  • vetnabivao wrote:
    and then how to send an event or transaction specific feast?

    I am not sure I understand the exact format of your question as written...but, to send an event:

    1. Create the event data structure
    2. Call your Server's PeerBase implementation's (the one you create with CreatePeer) SendEvent method; pass in the event data and send parameters.

    Here's an example:
    EventData eventData = new EventData((byte)OpCodes.Move);
    eventData.Parameters = new Dictionary<byte, object>
        { 0, entityFound.ID },
        { 1, newPosition }
    this.SendEvent(eventData, sendParameters);

    Note that the Server is sending the event in response to an operation I am using the sendParameters passed into the OnOperationRequest callback. You could create them yourself though.

    An example of this implementation can be found: ... -tutorials

    Also, this is useful info: ... Operations
  • Philip
    vetnabivao wrote:
    how to get a list of peers?

    Sorry - but for now there is no list of peers - you'll have to implement that yourself.
  • The search function is really helpful. ;)

    Here are a few tips how to get the list of peers: