Regarding Deploying a GameServer add

edited March 2013 in Photon Server
I tried to deploy the Gameserver as masterser ver, gameserver1, gameserver2. I made gameserver3 to add mastersever,
but there it did not work(Unable to Create Room for gameserver3) I did only this to connect gameserver3 to masterserver.
How can I deal with this situation? Please help me regarding this matter.
Thank you. Below is the setting:

- gameserver3 config -

<!-- Set to the IP Address of the Photon instance where your Master application is running. -->
<setting name="MasterIPAddress" serializeAs="String">

<!-- Leave empty and the the IP address will be looked up dynamically at runtime. -->
<setting name="PublicIPAddress" serializeAs="String">

<!-- Client-to-Gameserver TCP connections. Needs to match the TCPListener in PhotonServer.config -->
<setting name="GamingTcpPort" serializeAs="String">

<!-- Client-to-Gameserver UDP connections. Needs to match the UDPListener in PhotonServer.config -->
<setting name="GamingUdpPort" serializeAs="String">

<!-- Client-to-Gameserver WebSocket connections. Needs to match the WebSocketListener in PhotonServer.config -->
<setting name="GamingWebSocketPort" serializeAs="String">

[code2=xml]<setting name="GameServerConfigPaths" serializeAs="String">


  • Why are you adding a new setting? why can't you add the GameServer 3's setting to the other ones?

    [code2=xml]<setting name="GameServerConfigPaths" serializeAs="String">